Beginner Crystals!

Grace Liboiron
2 min readJan 26, 2021


January 26, 2021

Hello! I hope you are having an incredible day :)

Today we are going to chat all about crystals- perfect for beginners (or anyone for that matter.) There are lots of resources for people to learn and become educated about crystals and what different properties they may hold. I wear crystals every day on rings, necklaces, and bracelets. I also sleep with some by my bed and others are just scattered around my room, protecting the space in their own little way.

Crystals themselves do not have magical powers but more so are intention holders. The color of the crystal generally coordinates with the 7 different chakras; Bluestones may encourage the opening of the throat chakra, Yellow (Example: Citrine) may encourage the opening of the solar plexus, etc. Each type of crystal has its own individual properties such as protection, love, peace, confidence, grounding, heightening psychic abilities, cleansing, etc

Protection: Black Tourmaline is my, and many peoples, go to when picking a crystal for protection and grounding. It's deep black color relates to the root chakra.

Confidence: Tigers Eye is one of my father’s absolute favorite crystals, it relates to increased self-esteem and a boost of confidence.

Cleansing: Selenite may be one of the BEST stones for cleansing and charging other crystals/spaces. Selenite is unique in the sense it does not need to be charged for it does this by its own vibration. This is why often you will see selenite in the middle of crystal grids!

Love: Rose Quartz is very well known for its love energy. Either increasing self-love or possibly attracting lovers into your life.

These are just singular examples of such a wide variety of crystal that can help you manifest so much into YOUR life! I hope this short blog gave you a little bit of insight into the world of crystals. I guarantee there will be many chats about healing stones in the future!

Much Love, Grace ❤



Grace Liboiron
Grace Liboiron

Written by Grace Liboiron


I am using this platform to share knowledge about everything spirituality! I hope you find a 'story' on my account that resonates with you.

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